27 Şubat 2009 Cuma

The Winners of Oscar 2009

Rich and Handsome Brad vs Poor Indian Jamil

There were many discussions about who deserved the Oscar awards more. Some like the curious case, some like the story of a poor teenage. Before the ceremony, everyone was talking about it and putting forward an idea. When the ‘it’ night came, everyone was very excited and intense.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button won awards in 3 different categories, while Slumdog Millionaire won 8. The Slumdog Millonaire had a cast of poor Indians and the film’s budget is approximately ten times less of the money that spent for Benjamin Button. The ironical situation is that probably the film publishers of Benjamin Button offered Brad Pittt million dollars but who wins millions and a priceless award is a slum. Looks like it isn’t all about money.

Slumdog Millionaire

It’s the story of a boy who is at the age of 18 called Jamal Malik . He participated to a competition named "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" which is a very popular contest and known by many countries included Turkey. I used to watch that competition and enjoyed watching it. Therefore, I know how hard it is to win the biggest prize. You have to be wise and have liberal education. In addition, you have to be very calm during the competition. As Jamal, an orphan from the slums of Mumbai, continued giving correct answers, everybody got curious about his success. Since he is an uneducated poor boy, polices thought he is cheating or something. They arrested and interrogated him before the day that he would answer the last question. Jamal started to tell his life story and the places he went with his brother. In every adventures story he told, the audience and polices saw the answers of the questions in the stories. Finally, he has released and everybody believed that he is innocent. Do you want to know what happened in the end to the slumdog millionaire? It’s came to the motion screen today. Why don’t you buy a ticket, call a friend, grab some popcorn and move your ass :)

17 Şubat 2009 Salı

The Very First Films

The first short was "Strongman Sandow" in 1890, if you discount the 1877 series of pictures showing a horse galloping. The first short with a story line is "The Great Train Robbery", and the first feature length film was "The Story of the Kelly Gang." The actors are Godfrey Cass, Nicholas Brierley, Elizabeth Tait,and John Tait. The first full feature color movie was "The World, the Flesh and the Devil" which made it's debut in 1914. In this film the actor who played the Devil is H. Agar Lyons.

Source: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071010145621AA8UrAE

Do you know?

  • The two films that won the most Oscar Awards:

    In 76 years there were only two films that won the most Oscar Awards. In 1959, BEN HUR and in 1997 TITANIC won 11 awards in different categories.

  • The ones that was nominated in many categories but didnt win any:

In 1997 THE TURNING POINT and in 1985 THE COLOR PURPLE was nominated in 9 categories but they couldn't win even one Oscar.

  • The country that won the most Oscar Awards:

French films won 32 awards in the category of 'the best foreign film.

  • The longest period to win an Oscar :

It took 21 years for the film LIMELIGHT by Şarlo to win an Oscar.

  • The different aspects for a film to be nominated in an Oscar category?

  1. should be longer than 40 minutes

  2. should be shown at least once in a Los Angeles theatres with tickets

  3. should be shown at least for one week on the motion screen

14 Şubat 2009 Cumartesi

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

The film that has seen by many people before it came to the motion screen: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. The reason of this film’s popularity is that it has an interesting theme. In the film, the daughter of Daisy Williams reads her mother the diary of Benjamin Button who had born an old man who has diagnosed with several aged diseases at birth and thus given little chance of survival, but who does survive and gets younger with time. Daisy's grandmother was a resident at Benjamin’s home, which is where she first met Benjamin. Although separated through the years, Daisy and Benjamin remain in contact throughout their lives, reconnecting in their forties when in age they finally match up. You should see this unordinary and interesting story. Surely, it will impress you as if it did many people. Additionally, another fact is the film excepted to win many awards.
